Thursday, September 22, 2005

detective aoneko

What sparked Modoru Motoni to work on 'Detective Aoneko'? Rich and romantic aristocrat with uncontrollable libido? Doing detectives when he's in the mood, and for the rest of the time getting excitied about underpants or having fanciful dreams we won't go into. One day Motoni sensei looked out the window and saw the concrete buildings. City life, grey iron and steel. It might be a midsummer night's dream she managed to hypnotize herself into. Anyhow she imagined the cold concrete turning into a sea of grassy green. With spirally creepers that feel their way into another space far back in time, when there was something called leisure, when gentlemen took off their hats as they bow and politely kissed the lady's lace-gloved hand.

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