Friday, November 25, 2005

last client by takashima kazusa (again)

2005. 11.25

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Great story, wonderful wonderuful wonderful art. But c'mon where's takashima kazusa??! I searched through the internet and was confirmed she stopped right before the grandly advertised ending. Says there on the magazine 'Don't miss the next issue! Last chapter of the last client. 70 pages with 3 full coloured spread outs.' And great, that became an unfulfilled prophecy. Damn it...

Whatever happens to Takashima. She carried on with a short series called 'Dragon Boy' afterwards and worked a little bit more into 'Harlem Beat' but no news ever came of the Last Client. I don't understand how she could desert the project half way, not to mention it's a project she obviously put so much heart into if only you take a look at the story boards, the character designs and such. They're meticulously beautiful and neat. It's as if you're watching a movie complete with the hooks, the foreshadowing and the atmosphere... Unforgivable... If I were a manga artist, I'd never desert something I worked so hard for half way lying in the desert to dry up and wiped away by the wind... Very unprofessional and disappointing to the fans.

Oh Takashima... she's got the most spontaneous and intelligent lines I've ever seen. Magical talent, sorceress' hands! She's born to draw. Just where the hell are you??!I'm sad...

anyway, some more pics from the last client.

1 2 3

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